Magnificent Seven (2016) Takes Us to Church

Lately, remakes are a dime a dozen. You can see ‘reboots’ of?True Grit and?Terminator, you can watch small screen versions of?Lethal Weapon,?Poltergeist,?Frequency, and?MacGyver.?And now, Yul Brynner’s classic, itself a remake of?Seven Samurai, received the Antoine Fuqua-ized version, complete with Denzel Washington and enough racial diversity to make?The Fast & The Furious?franchise jealous. But lost in…

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Sully: In the Moment

On January 15, 2009, U.S. Airways pilot?Chesley”Sully” Sullenberger and his co-pilot, Jeff Skiles, ?were flying a commercial airliner from LaGuardia for a standard run, the same way Sullenberger had flown for forty years. When his Airbus A320 struck a herd of?geese that destroyed?the engines, Sullenberger’s quick thinking landed the plane safely in the Hudson River….

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