Amrou Al-Kadhi’s debut feature film Layla, which premiered at the 2024 Reel Asian Film Festival, is a...
Film Festivals
“Why can’t you enjoy life?” Mike Leigh’s Hard Truths is a character study of life that cannot...
If you had told me that the best thriller of the year would involve electing a new...
“This is my last prayer and, whether you believe in God or not, you don’t lie when...
When poison outside of the home infects the inside of it, the results can be catastrophic. Directed...
Walter Salles’s film I’m Still Here is the story of a family that is torn apart by...
Mental illness is no laughing matter. However, humor can come out of very difficult and painful situations....
In order to find what’s real, sometimes you have to fracture the fairytale. Written and directed by...
This movie should have come with a trigger warning. In this painful drama, director Bachir Bensaddek and...
A small French village is about to do a wonderful thing. But when it doesn’t turn out...