TJFF ’24: Yaniv

Directed by Amnon Carmi, Yaniv follows Barry Bernstein (Ben Ducoff), a high school drama teacher who’s budget is slashed entirely, throwing their upcoming production of Little Shop of Horrors into disarray. But things seem to be looking up when Barry hears about an underground gambling scene for the Hasidic community, centred around a little known card game called ‘yaniv’….

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TJFF ’24: The Future

Directed by Noam Kaplan, The Future follows Nurit Bloch (Reymonde Amsalem), a profiler who leads The Future Project, a government-led program that is meant to prevent people from becoming terrorists. However, after a young Arab student named Yaffa (Samar Qupty) confesses to the murder of the Minister of Space and Tourism, Nurit is left asking how their…

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Inside Out ’24: Bulletproof – A Lesbian’s Guide to Surviving the Plot

Directed by Regan Latimer, Bulletproof: The Lesbian’s Guide to Surviving the Plot explores the nature of Queer representation in television. Fueled by animation, clips from the past and present and multiple interviews with televisions insiders and fans, the series steps into the power of media to help us understand and empower who we are. With Bulletproof, Latimer takes…

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Inside Out ’24: Unusually Normal

Directed by Colette Johnson-Vosberg, Unusually Normal steps into the lives of ‘Canada’s gayest family’. Consisting of three generations of gay women in the same family, the film invites the Fords to open their home (and their stories) as they explore the meaning of ‘normal’. As they speak about their journeys, Unusually Normal becomes a testament to their resiliency in…

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