Steve Norton

Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It's one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I've been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create! #forHisglory

Young Woman and the Sea: Swim Against the Cultural Current

Disney loves stories of triumph. And they tell them well. Though they’re known best for their animated films, one could easily forget the grand tradition of Disney inspirational stories from the world of sports that they’ve released over the years. Movies like Miracle, Rise, and Remember the Titans have all been successfully-executed true adventures that inspire the wonder…

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Clear Cut: Into the Woods

You can run from your past. But you can’t hide from it. Directed by Brian Skiba, Clear Cut tells the story of Jack (Clive Standen), a man looking for a fresh start in the logging industry of the Pacific Northwest. This is a dangerous job but Jack is determined to hide himself away in the woods to…

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