In 2017, a “little” film called Wonder shared R.J. Palacio’s story about finding love and acceptance through...
Jacob Sahms
Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports
Whew! The Watchers is a creepy take on the fact that no matter what you think, your...
Twisters is a sequel, kind of, to the 1996 disaster flick starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton....
Prequels. They’re everywhere. Some provide something that deepens our love and understanding of the movie that isn’t...
The latest collection of Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky movies is Rocky: The Ultimate Knockout Collection. It’s hard not...
So my English major side is incredibly bothered by my title here, but the truth is that...
The latest Marvel universe film is not one you’d expect. It’s Sony’s take on another character from...
In the 2005 crime thriller The Departed, Martin Scorsese moved A-list actors like Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio,...
Unsung Hero is on the radar of Christian music fans because it’s the background story of for...
Wonka, the prequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, weaves a magical story of delicious delights and...