As the sequel to Marvel’s hit film Ant-Man?opens,?Scott Lang is on house arrest following his participation in...
At the fictional Chastain Memorial Park Hospital in Atlanta, GA, third year resident internist Conrad Hawkins (Matt...
The Gifted?fits into the overall X-Men universe from the Marvel Comics and Fox films, but allows the...
Want to win a free copy of the Universal Studios blockbuster?Skyscraper?? Sent to Hong Kong to investigate...
The American Dream is that there are no limits to what someone can be. ?We hold these...
Given that this year marks the twentieth?anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter novel (well?...
Another DC series developed by Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg, and Marc Guggenheim, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow...
In J. K. Rowling’s “other” series, a group of downtrodden, often ignored young people band together to...
Fleshing out his Pepsi Max commercial role as Uncle Drew, Kyrie Irving hit the bigtime filming a...
United States Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) went after hyper-rich guy Bobby Axelrod (Damien Lewis) in the...