Directed by Kim Sung-Hoon, Rampant?is an unexpectedly fascinating mashup of genres as classical Asian cinema meets horror...
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With the release of LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART, Emmet, Wildstyle and the crew find themselves...
Our team embarked on their annual pre-Oscar chat where they discussed who WILL win and who SHOULD...
In the port city of Buenaventura, Columbia, a young man and his friends struggle to escape their...
I recently had the chance to take part in a roundtable interview with the directors of Birds...
Let’s be honest, the average moviegoer probably has no interest Alita: Battle Angel… and I was one...
A Star is Born tells the story of veteran musician Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) who, stumbling into...
?If there?s family, there?s respect. If there?s respect, there?s honor. If there?s honor, there?s word. If there?s...
“Your life is full of love, whether you?recognize it or not.” -?Andrea Moodie?(Writer/Director, 52 Words for Love)...
When it is time to award the best in films each year, the Academy of Motion Pictures...