The Spiritual Development Of James Bond (Part IV): Pierce Brosnan’s Suave Spy

When Pierce Brosnan debuted his Bond in 1995?s Goldeneye, it seemed that an ideal confluence of character, toughness, intelligence, and flair had given us the perfect twentieth century Bond. But when negotiations between Brosnan and MGM broke down, it became evident that he wouldn?t be able to join Connery or Moore in longevity, and fans…

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Rev. Rob Schenck: Being Pro-Life Is More Than Abortion

Reverend Rob Schenck, a pro-life activist and missionary to politicians on Capitol Hill, broke with his expected evangelical position on gun ownership when he found himself questioning what it meant to be pro-life. In her directorial debut, The Armor of Light, Abigail Disney?documents Schenck?s conversations on the subject with politicians and people of faith, while…

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