Just Getting Started tells the story of Duke Diver (Morgan Freeman), a lovable hustler in the Villa...
Boasting a cast that includes Steve Carrell, Kristen Wiig, Julie Andrews, Steve Coogan, Miranda Cosgrove, Trey Parker,...
In a comedy you didn’t see coming, Channing Tatum’s Jimmy Logan plans to rob Charlotte Motor Speedway...
In Warner Brothers’ latest Hitchcock collection, audiences everywhere can see fifteen of the Master of Suspense’s greatest...
A lot has happened around here! Over the last 2 1/2 years, we, at ScreenFish, have been...
With Freejack,?Dan Gilroy received his first writing credit and found his wife of thirty-five years, Renee Russo....
The Punisher?has never been my favorite Marvel character. In a world with Daredevils, Wolverines, Spidermans, and others,...
If we’re really being honest, I’d admit that I’m going to watch a Denzel Washington film, no...
One of my earliest cinematic memories is watching?The Miracle Worker?at school. In fact, we watched it for...
Taylor Sheridan (Sons of Anarchy, Veronica Mars)?has penned?Sicario?and?Hell or High Water, two films that have been received...