Game of Thrones Season 6: The Blind will See, The Dead will be Raised

“The past is already written. Stay too long where you don?t belong and you will never return.”– Three-Eyed Raven The sixth season of HBO’s?Game of Thrones?has received critical renown (winning twelve of its twenty-three nominations for Emmys) and grown the fan base that watches each episode. Combining original material with elements of two previously written…

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Star Trek – Beyond: Calling From Space

The third installment in the J.J. Abrams-rebooted?Star Trek?series,?Beyond?takes us farther than the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise believes it has gone before. The film has remarkable panache – thanks to a top flight class – and a storyline about authority, power, calling, and friendship that wraps itself around a galactic struggle. While considering a promotion/retirement…

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