Sometimes, our wildest dreams can be a nightmare in reality. Based on the true story of Martin...
Film Festivals
Baby Don?t Cry tells the story of Baby (Zita Bai), a 17-year-old Chinese immigrant struggling to survive. Living...
Some people love cooking while others cook for the sake of love. Beginning with her conservative childhood,...
Set on the road to Mekong Delta,?A Trip to Heaven?follows 50-year-old Madame Tam as she boards a...
Set in a society vastly different from our experience,?Taipei Suicide Story?takes place in a hotel that willingly...
Set above a simple Japanese caf?,?Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes?follows Kato as he returns home from a...
How strange that AFI Fest 2021 is already coming to an end. But perhaps next year the...
Inbetween Girl tells the story of Angie Chen, an American teenage girl dealing with the typical dramas...
Trying to maintain an image can be exhausting. In?The Power of the Dog?though, we see that trying...
As we grow into adulthood, we all face choices which decide who we are going to be....