In the upcoming documentary, Steve McQueen: American Icon, director Jon Erwin shares the story of the legendary...
Wonder Woman?is the film that?we?need. In fact, in the midst of a depressed box office (good films...
So, let’s be clear: Tom Cruise has battle just about everything. The Russians. Autism. Aliens. Futuristic governments....
Three seasons ago, CBS unleashed a serial about the exploits of the overly smart (IQ-wise, not EQ-wise)...
Selected for the Oscar-qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival, The Fare is a chilling story of human trafficking starring...
Thirty-five years after it came out, audiences can win a free copy of Steven Spielberg’s?E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial....
Nathan Jacobs is the writer and director of the documentary Becoming Truly Human. The film explores the...
When Bill “Don’t Call Me ‘Wild'” Hickok rides into Abilene, he’s broke and running from the ghosts...
The thirty-second animated Walt Disney film,?The Lion King?is the highest-grossing animated film of all time, and the...
Daredevil?was epic. That is, the Netflix one, not the star-crossed Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner one. [Editor’s note: it’s...