Quiet weekend on the multiplex front (at least for me). ?So let?s get to it.
- Meh On The Orient Express. ?All star cast, 65MM photography and the lady next to me in the theatre fell asleep. ?Can?t say that I blame her. ?The joint didn?t really come together till the end when the mechanism behind the dastardly deed was revealed. ?Bold statement about what happens when we take vengeance into our own hands. ?Couldn?t help but to think that the creators of the classic 70?s cop show Columbo borrowed a few thangs from Agatha Christie and her epically mustached detective!
- Didn’t see the first Daddy?s Home. ?Doubtful I?ll see this one. ?IMO – Will Ferrell is the most OVERRATED comic actor out there. ?Disagree if you will, but the dude is ANNOYING to me. ?Just not funny at all.
- LOUIS CK! ?COME ON DOWN! ?YOU?RE THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON ?WHO WANTS TO LOSE THEIR CAREER!? ?I?m not gonna rehash the story. It doesn?t need rehashing. ?Instead, Imma give y?all a peek inside the ScreenFish editorial discussion room to address something just as serious than the acts themselves. ?The prayer model famously known as The Lord?s Prayer features a specific and deliberate line about forgiveness. ??Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespasses against us.? ?The deep part is that the ONE piece of the prayer model that Jesus goes back to re-address:? “For if you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you.”? In these bloodthirsty times of folks calling out the sins of Hollywood people and demanding that they be held accountable for their actions, we?re seeing a disturbing trend; one that I had to point out to my SF colleagues. ?While some remain hopeful that this rampant confession of rampant sin would lead to grace, mercy, healing, and repentance within the industry, I beg to differ. ?While there are indeed Christians working within Hollywood, Hollywood is not a Christian ideal-embracing industry. ?At all. (I just heard thousands of SF readers say ?DUH!?) ?In God?s eyes, confession of sin is supposed to lead us into those four destinations I mentioned above. ?In Hollywood?s eyes – especially the flaming hot red eyes of those who have been sinned against – these rampant confessions MUST lead to a path of blood, vengeance, recompense and destruction. ?It?s open season right now. ?Everyone who has ever done anything suspect is going to get called out and dragged into the fire – a fire that will never ever be satisfied. ?Why? ?Because the kindle of accusation must be tended to at all times. ?That?s one of Satan?s job descriptions: THE ACCUSER! ?Don?t get me wrong. ?Actions do have consequences and those who have done wrong are to be held accountable. ? But when does it stop? ?Is Hollywood now gonna peer through EVERY! SINGLE! INTERVIEW ARCHIVE looking for dirt (Hello, George Takei)? Who shall be able to stand when all is said and done? ?I know the answer: ?NO ONE. ?We live in a world who just?won?t accept the truth than man is inherently wicked and sinful by nature and needs a SAVIOR to save us from ourselves. ?Instead, we keep running from star to star, from idol to idol searching for a ?good one.? And even with the ?good ones,? there?s some secret sin involving money, power, how they treat their spouses and kids, whatever that will disqualify them too. So the fire will burn, like it or not. ?Those who have suffered don?t want healing. ?They want blood. ?If only they?d believe that the debt has already been paid by the Blood shed on a cross at Calvary.
Alrighty! ?Back at y?all next week as we see if Justice League is another DCEU stinker!
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