My Bloody Valentine: The Trappings Of Conformity (ScreamFish)

Cupid. Hearts. Coal-mining-pick-axe-wielding-serial-killers. Chocolates. One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn?t belong. Oh, contraire. Because if you?ve ever enjoyed the sheer deliciousness of this week?s feature, you?ll know not since the odd coupling of chocolate and peanut butter have two great tastes tasted so great together. That?s…

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Mississippi Burning: Taking Action #TBT

Recently released on Blu-ray by Twilight Time,?Mississippi Burning?has always been one of my favorite films. Where?Selma?took the inside track with Martin Luther King Jr.’s inner circle and avoided the violence of the era (mostly),?Mississippi Burning?shows us the regular violence dispensed by?the Klu Klux Klan to African Americans in Jessup County, MS, as well as those…

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