Set in a world of motorcycle gangs, violence and crime, 1% brings us a character driven tale...
Wonder Woman?is the film that?we?need. In fact, in the midst of a depressed box office (good films...
Kumail Nanjiani wrote the script for?The Big Sick?with his real-life Anglo wife, Emily Gordon, and then starred...
Sam Elliott is the voice of Dodge, the actor you’ve seen in Westerns even if you couldn’t...
Taking place in 1970s Sweden, Ravens follow the life of Agne (Reine Brynolfsonn), an aging farmer determined...
Rat Film is a bizarre documentary that seeks to speak about social issues by showing bits of...
I?ll just come out and say it: I?ve never seen the Indiana Jones series. I don?t have...
this thing you’re reading is going to have zero jump scares in three expedient little parts: 1....
Thirty-five years after Steve Spielberg unveiled the gnarliest alien this side of Yoda,?E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial?arrives in a...
So, let’s be clear: Tom Cruise has battle just about everything. The Russians. Autism. Aliens. Futuristic governments....