Taking place in 1970s Sweden, Ravens follow the life of Agne (Reine Brynolfsonn), an aging farmer determined...
Rat Film is a bizarre documentary that seeks to speak about social issues by showing bits of...
I?ll just come out and say it: I?ve never seen the Indiana Jones series. I don?t have...
this thing you’re reading is going to have zero jump scares in three expedient little parts: 1....
Thirty-five years after Steve Spielberg unveiled the gnarliest alien this side of Yoda,?E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial?arrives in a...
So, let’s be clear: Tom Cruise has battle just about everything. The Russians. Autism. Aliens. Futuristic governments....
Three seasons ago, CBS unleashed a serial about the exploits of the overly smart (IQ-wise, not EQ-wise)...
There goes the neighbourhood? Directed by George Clooney, Suburbicon is a satirical look at the suburban world...
Sam Pollard ? ?I?ve Gotta Be Me? Sam and Face2Face host David Peck talk about his...
Stream below for our 1on1 interview with director, Sean Menard! Directed by Sean Menard, UNINTERRUPTED?s The Carter...