Directed by Matthew J. Saville, Juniper tells the story of Sam (George Ferrier), a teenager struggling with self-destructive behavior. When...
With last week’s arrival of the controversial ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA, the MCU juggernaut continues it’s...
When a film opens with a quote from Wikipedia, you know you?re in for something special. Directed...
The fact that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has remained so timeless is a true testament to the...
?My life doesn?t really make sense?? Leave it to Scott Lang to summarize his own movie so...
Once again, it?s time for Animaniacs? and they?re still zany to the max. Picking up where last season...
Sometimes, to understand the present, you need to look into the future. Set in a retro-future, Hello, Tomorrow! is...
“Dividers need us to stay in our own little bubbles talking about each other rather than to...
In a world where right and wrong are blurred, is the truth even worth knowing? Set in...
You might think we’ve taken a chairshot to the head but it’s true. With a slower week...