God Bless Bitcoin is a deep dive into the innovative world of cryptocurrency, and specifically Bitcoin, and explores...
Jason Thai
Directed by Pascal Bonitzer, Auction is a compelling drama that draws viewers into the high-stakes world of...
Longing is a beautifully crafted film that delves deeply into themes of loss, redemption, and the intricate...
The Exorcist horror franchise sets out on a daring mission to revive its legendary history in The...
By examining the moral nuance of its characters, Saw X not only revitalises the Saw franchise but...
In this slasher-comedy Hell of a Summer, which serves as Finn Wolfhard and Billy Bryk’s directorial debut,...
Working Class Goes to Hell follows a small-town union’s struggle for justice after an industrial fire decimates...
Chuck Chuck Baby follows Helen, a very quiet and reserved woman, and her struggles to make ends...
Based on the Cheryl Della Pietra’s semi-autobiographical book from 2015, Gonzo Girl depicts her experiences working for...
The Contestant tells the true story of Japanese reality TV star, Tomoaki Hamatsu (nicknamed Nasubi), who was...