Miranda Otto may be best known for her role as Eowyn in the second and third installments...
Blackout Media Anna Jane Edmonds, Karl Janisse and Zach Ramelan and Face2Face host David Peck...
Mae Holland (Emma Watson) wants to change her life, so she accepts a job at the company...
Reese Donahue (Jessica Rothe,?La La Land) is happy with the life she has – working on a...
Bill Randa (John Goodman) assembles a crack team of explorers in his quest to justify expenditures for...
In Lionsgate’s wild bullet party, Justine (Brie Larson) facilitates the sale of weapons from an IRA buyer,...
Flik is an inventor – an individualist – who tries to do things on his own. As?A...
Whether you are a fan of the French original, the 1990s animated version, or the Dan Stevens/Emma...
Batman is dark, brooding, and super… “angst-y” in Chris McKay’s directorial debut?The LEGO Batman Movie. But this?is?a...
Usually, when it comes to a film’s protagonist, we consider the person who exhibits the most growth,...