One of the unique aspects of growing up in the 1980s (besides being able to roam free...
Back in 2005, I figured I knew all things Jane Austen. A year out from graduating with...
When the Star Wars universe made the transition to the small screen, no one could have predicted...
Like creating great music, it?s important that every member of a film?s cast is on the same...
Thanks to our friends at TARO PR, we, at ScreenFish, are thrilled to be giving away two...
Set in 1930s Hollywood, Mank tells the story of Herman J. Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman), a screenwriter with...
Disney?s new film ?Safety? is an autobiography on real-life NCAA player Ray McElrathbey (Jay Reeves), a struggling...
Within the first 15 minutes of Yes, God, Yes, I wanted to shut down the computer. I...
There?s a certain mystique about the prom. From ?prom-posals? to having the right date or transportation, proms...
There is something about this time of year that makes me want to set aside the daily...