In his latest film, THE POST, Steven Spielberg and his all-star cast aren’t satisfied with merely retelling...
Serving our Community
Let?s get this out of the way quickly.? If you?re not a fan on the original Blade...
As usual, I expect I?ll name things you?ve never heard of (except from my reviews), and unless...
If you?ve been on the Internet for more than 5 minutes in the past two days, you...
Written by Paul King and Simon Farnaby, Paddington 2 sees the return of everyone?s favourite bear as...
What can happen in our world if we just attempt to look for the best in others...
Directed by Steven Spielberg, The Post tells the story of Katherine Graham (Meryl Streep), the first female...
Set in the later years of the Vietnam War, Katherine Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, and...
In this outrageous family adventure, Web superstars @jennxpenn (Jen McAllister) and the Smosh duo (Anthony Padilla and...
It?s hard to think of a time when a film that highlights the First Amendment is not...