Based on the play of the same name, Stephan Karam?s film The Humans is an American drama set within...
Film Festivals
Directed by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049,?Arrival),?Dune?tells the story of Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet, a gifted young...
Directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day),?The Guilty?takes place during the raging wildfires of Los Angeles. As his...
Although they have built a successful ranch together, brothers George and Phil Burbank could not be more...
Life is hard every day. But?Nine Days?suggests that the work beforehand can be just as challenging. Set...
I remember the Oka Crisis. Or, at least, I thought I did. As a pre-teen, I vaguely...
In a world dominated by men, it?s powerful to see young people lift like a girl. Directed...
Now that AFI Docs has wrapped up, it?s time to see the winners and to make note...
Often when important events happen, those involved pay homage to the past by talking of standing on...
Today?s films range from the mundane to the worlds of power and money. Documentaries are ways to...