Directed by Darren Aronofsky, The Whale tells the story of Charlie (Brendan Fraser), an online writing instructor who struggles...
After the Shrek franchise drifted off to Far, Far Away, the baton was handled to loveable Puss...
Steven Spielberg has made a career out of sharing stories of others in ways that capture the...
Love him or hate him, James Cameron understands the cinematic experience. Over the last 40 years, Cameron...
Sometimes, in the midst of the trials around you, you need to hear a new story in...
The Eternal Daughter is a quiet and understated piece that doesn?t hold it back from achieving cinematic...
Based on the hit film franchise,?Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again?is a new animated adventure that...
Exploring history can be fun, even if it doesn?t always make sense. Beginning during the First World...
It can be very difficult to merge live theatre and cinema. Although there have been countless efforts...
By Ben Dower Yuji Shinoda (Takehiro Murata), with the help of his daughter Io (Mayu Suzuki), heads...