The Contestant tells the true story of Japanese reality TV star, Tomoaki Hamatsu (nicknamed Nasubi), who was...
What is the downside of a miracle? Directed by Christian Sparkes, The King Tide takes place in a close-knit—but...
Directed by Justine Triet, Anatomy of a Fall tells the story of one woman’s fight for her innocence after...
Set in 1975, Kanaval tells the story of Rico (Rayan Dieudonne), a young boy who lives with his mother...
Who knew that financial movies about the world finance would become so hot? After the success of...
Playing the same person decades apart in The Lost Daughter showed the obvious chemistry between Jessie Buckley...
Rudolph lives is simple life. Working hard at his job, he returns home to his wife and...
North Star, Kristin Scott Thomas’ directorial debut, takes us back home–well, to a home in England–with three...
Ava DuVernay’s return to feature film sees merge her urgent artistic voice and the social issues that...
Racial issues aren’t funny. But the way that we engage it as a culture can be laughable....