Sick Girl tells the story of Wren Pepper (Nina Dobrev), a woman in her late twenties who still...
What does it mean to reach for your dreams? Directed by Jason Karman, Golden Delicious follows Jake (Cardi Wong),...
Set at the turn of the 20th Century, Killers of the Flower Moon tells the story of Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo...
The purpose of any court cases to uncover the truth. But, is that even really possible? This...
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale. A tale of a faithful trip. It started...
Sometimes, the most surprising tales come from unexpected places. In Butterfly Tale, Patrick (Mena Massoud) is a determined...
Directed by Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss, The Mission documents the life of John Chau, a young American missionary...
Citizen Minutes often feels both relatable and universal. That’s its strength. The doc pulls shorts from many...
Transformers was always my favourite show as a kid. On a daily basis, I would come home after...
Before it even started, the TIFF representative almost began to cry while introducing this film. That was certainly...