Naz Khan (Riz Ahmed, Jason Bourne, Rogue One), a Pakistani-American college student, takes his father’s taxicab to...
The name may not be immediately recognizable, but Joel Smallbone is a writer, producer, and singer for...
America makes up twenty-five percent of the world’s prison population….twenty-five percent!!!! Does systemic racism truely exist? We...
The Legend of Tarzan?is the epic return to the world of Edgar Rice Burroughs by?director David Yates...
This year?s Oscar frontrunner, Nate Parker?s The Birth of a Nation takes its name from D.W. Griffith?s...
Luke Cage is misunderstood, especially by the powers that be. But in Netflix’s latest original superhero series,...
Richard Matheson wrote many science fiction?stories that continue to find themselves on the big screen, decades after...
Nancy Adams (Blake Lively) is mourning her mother when she heads off to the deserted beach on...
Crisp evenings.? Bonfires.? Pumpkin spice euphoria. And horror. These are the caveats that perfect Autumns are made...
On their wedding day, a couple gets disturbing news: a gang is headed in on the noon...