ScreamFish’s Top 4 Halloween Films: Scare The Soul Into You

The staff of ScreenFish set out to tackle their greatest fears, well, at least their scariest films. Here are the staff’s greatest flicks for your Halloween consideration.   Jeepers Creepers- Don’t Leave Horror Unchecked… Comic Expert Arnaldo Reyes I generally avoid horror films. They just don?t catch my attention because why sit through over an…

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“Armor Of Light” Director Abigail Disney: “I Don’t Think Everyone Has An Itchy Trigger Finger”

Director Abigail Disney is out to push your buttons, make you think, and openly challenge the things that you believe to be true about guns, violence, and peace. Since she?engaged fully in charitable work in her thirties, she has had a love for people often dismissed by society and the issues that either bind us…

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