In the historical drama Operation Finale, a crack team of Mossad agents infiltrates Argentina after hearing news...
“There is an answer for every question.” — Joe West Six months after Barry Allen AKA The...
TV premieres will always have the need to hook the audience from the opening frames to engage...
Gotham?is the best DC television show on TV, since?Smallville. While?Arrow,?Supergirl, Krypton, DC Legends of Tomorrow, and others...
by Tom Lester, Contributing Writer A very unlikely movie to review from a faith perspective for a...
Puppets abound in the latest film from screenwriter Todd Berger, a noir comedy that combines the clever...
If you’re a fan of?Naval Criminal Investigation Service?0r?NCIS, then you know already that the fifteenth season of...
Reverend Ernst Toller (Ethan Hawke) faithfully pastors the 250-year-old First Reformed Church, even as he struggles with...
Directed by Peter Berg (known for a handful of other Mark Wahlberg movies such as Deep Water...
“They must be from California.”– John (Ethan Lawrence) Three young punk enthusiasts stumble into a strange (oh,...