Animation is Film 17: Tehran Taboo

Directed by expat Iranian filmmaker Ali Soozandeh,?Tehran Taboo tells the stories of?three strong-willed women who cross paths in Tehran?s divided society where sex, corruption, and drugs coexist with strict religious laws and patriarchal traditions. Through rotoscoping technology, its use of real actors provides genuine depth to the characters yet the animation also provides a safe…

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4.02 The Heart of the mother!

When director Darren Aronofsky releases a film, it’s often bound to court controversy. ?Blending an environmental message and Biblical metaphor, mother! instantly divided audiences between those that loathed its excessiveness and those that loved and respected its ambition. ?This week, Steve welcomes ScreenFish guppies Ben Dower and Andrew Eaton as they tackle Aronofsky’s complicated vision…

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