No stranger to American whistle-blower stories, Director Sonia Kennebeck (National Bird) tackles the unique and complicated life...
Film Festivals
Directed (and starring) Halle Berry, Bruised is a heart-wrenching piece written by Michelle Rosenfarb.? Jackie Justice (Halle...
In The Prey, Chinese cop Xin (newcomer Gu Shangwei) is undercover on a secret mission when a surprise raid...
Who knew that this summer?s greatest superhero story would be David Arquette? Seriously, I didn?t see it...
Dear Michelle Obama, Admittedly, you and I don?t talk much (read: never). Even so, I?m a big...
The Royal Palace at Versailles was perhaps the most magnificent place on earth in the 17th and...
I really enjoy film festivals. They give me a chance to see films that are very different...
When the wild calls, you answer. In Disney?s remake of the classic novel, The Call of the...
More from Slamdance, the film festival ?By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers? currently taking place in Park City, Utah,...
More from Slamdance, the film festival ?By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers? currently taking place in Park City, Utah,...