Based off true events,?The Happiest Man in the World?starts off from the perspective of Asja (Jelena Kordic...
Film Festivals
Set in the remote countryside of Sao Paulo, Charcoal tells the story of married Irene (Maeve Jinkings) and Jairo...
Directed by Lindsay Mackay,?The Swearing Jar?tells the story of Simon and Carey (Patrick J. Adams and Adelaide...
In The End of Sex, husband Josh (Jonas Chernick, who also wrote the film) and his wife Emma...
Directed by the talented Indigenous director Marie Clements, Bones of Crows follows the epic and horrid journey...
If joy were a film, it would be The Umbrella Men. The Umbrella Men tells the story of Jerome...
My Sailor, My Love tells the story of Howard (James Cosmo), a widowed father who lives alone. Although...
Set in 1993, My Old School tells the story of Brandon Lee, a 17-year-old fifth year Canadian who became...
Valeria (Natalia Solian) is a vibrant young woman who is excited to have her first child with...
In?Sharp Stick, Sarah Jo (Kristine Froseth) may be 26-years old but her sexual inexperience plagues her mind....