Dads don?t always get a lot of good press these days. At a time when important conversations...
We, at ScreenFish, believe that we are all created in God?s image and want to show our...
Debt never dies. That?s the mantra held up as a banner for Tanya Wexler?s?Buffaloed, a film which...
We, at ScreenFish, believe that we are all created in God?s image and want to show our...
The Surrogate is an exploration of making difficult ethical and emotional decisions. It gives us a situation...
Welcome to teenFish, a podcast series that lets teenagers speak about media that matters to them in...
Directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, Becky is a gory thriller centring around a young (and...
We, at ScreenFish, believe that we are all created in God?s image and want to show our...
Directed by Judith Helfand, Love and Stuff is chock-full of substance, and despite the numerous topics that...
When times are tough, what stories do you turn to? Our new series, Comfort Films, is designed...