Directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, Becky is a gory thriller centring around a young (and seemingly innocent) 13-year-old girl. Starring Lulu Wilson, Amanda Brugel, Joel McHale, and Kevin James, Becky had me intrigued from the beginning. Best known for their comedic abilities, Joel McHale and Kevin James were impressive in their dramatic roles, especially James as a believable and chilling Nazi fugitive.
Becky (Lulu Wilson) is an angsty teenager who is still reeling from the loss of her mother only a year prior. Showing a low, rebellious mood, Becky keeps to herself. Though encouraged by the fact that her father decides not to sell the lake house, she’s immediately brought back down again when he invites his girlfriend and her son to stay with them for the weekend and surprises her with the news of their engagement.

Meanwhile, a recent escapee from prison, Dominick (Kevin James) is on the hunt for a mysterious key, willing to do anything in his power to retrieve it. Gathering a team of delinquents, Dominick and his team storm the lake house, beginning their night of terror.
Perhaps representing Becky?s innocence, the key is initially just a trinket that she kept safe with her belongings. She likely thought little about its worth until someone tried to take it from her. When she realizes its importance, Becky does everything in her power to keep it safe.

With an almost Home Alone inspired array of booby traps, Becky decides to channel her anger into fighting off Dominick and his crew. She refuses to let her family?s safe place be overtaken. Becky was oddly comfortable with violence, especially for a 13-year-old girl. From her animalistic scream, its clear that the violence was almost therapeutic for her.
During their initial interaction, Dominick discusses purebred dogs, and how you should never cross breed them because you will get the bad traits of both.?He says this all while addressing an interracial couple.?On top of that, when addressing Kayla (Amanda Brugel), he says ‘your kind’. Though the film initially delves into racial bias, the topic of racism fizzled out and is never really brought up again.?Personally, I found myself frustrated that the race aspect of this film took a back seat and there didn?t seem to be any justice in that regard.?

The female characters in Becky were strong and able to stand up for themselves in the face of danger. Willing to do everything in their power to protect their loved ones, they were able to impressively outsmart the men that they faced.
With scenes interchanging between the jail yard and school, the twirling of the spoon, and the way Becky and Dominick seemed as if they were face to face while speaking on the Walkie Talkies, the cinematography in Becky is superb. What’s more, by mixing in intense bass kicks, I was drawn in by the ambiance as well.
Although Becky was a gripping film that kept me entertained, I found myself wanting just a little more from the conclusion of the film. I didn?t want to know all the answers; maybe just a nod in the right direction.
Becky is available on June 5, 2020 on digital and demand.
To listen to my interview with Amanda Brugel, click here.