Steve Norton

Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It's one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I've been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create! #forHisglory

The United States vs. Billie Holiday: Keep Singing a New Song

Just don?t sing the song. That?s the advice given to legendary singer Billie Holiday regarding her iconic single, ?Strange Fruit?. Set against the backdrop of the pre-Civil Rights Movement era, Holiday?s heartfelt song the challenged the practice of lynching African-Americans became a lightning rod of controversy for the federal government out of fear that it…

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