Jacob Sahms

Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports

Tomorrowland: How You View The Future Impacts The Present

Anytime you watch a?Brad Bird (The Incredibles,?Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol) or?Damon Lindelof (Lost, The?Leftovers) vehicle, you know that you’re in for a wild ride of the imagination. Given that they were handed the keys by Walt Disney Pictures for Tomorrowland, the comparisons to visual, family-inspiring flicks like?Escape to Witch Mountain?are representative of?the genre. Examining the…

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Aladdin – What Holds You Captive?

By now, if you haven’t seen either?the 1992 Walt Disney animated feature film, the Broadway musical, or the children’s repertoire performance of Aladdin, you’ve probably been living in the Cave of Wonders. The truth is that this adaptation of?One Hundred and One Nights?is more magical, musical, and enchanting than anything else we could’ve imagined. Maximizing?the…

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TV Screened: Minority Report (1.3) – Please, Make Me Care

Detective Lara Vega (Meagan Goode) and precognitive Dash Parker (Stark Sands) tackle their first official case together, tracking a potential murderer whose situation adapts and twists with each intervention by our two protagonists. Unlike the standard situations where Dash’s visions release slowly, Vega’s detective skills come into play and they race against time to stop…

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