Running to the Divine: 1on1 with Sanjay Rawal (3100: RUN AND BECOME)

Directed by Sanjay Rawal, 3100: Run and Become?follows Ashprihanal Aalto, an unassuming Finnish paperboy, and Shamita, an Austrian cellist, in their attempts to complete the?3100 Race for Self-Trancendence, the world?s longest certified footrace. Each year, a small group of competitors come from all over the world to run a distance that totals 3,100 miles in…

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Owning The Sins of Our Past: 1on1 with Ryan Boyko (THAT NEVER HAPPENED)

Directed by Ryan Boyko, That Never Happened: Canada’s First National Internment Operations?reveals the story of Canada’s first national internment operations between 1914 – 1920, when over 88,000 people were forced to register and more than 8,500 were wrongfully imprisoned in internment camps across Canada, not for anything they had done but because of their heritage….

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Stealing Our Voice: 1on1 with Anne de Mare and Laverne Berry (CAPTURING THE FLAG)

Directed by Anne de Mare, Capturing the Flag tells the story of Election Day 2016 from the deeply personal perspective of a diverse team of volunteer voter protection workers in North Carolina that represents the final line of protection for each American citizen?s right to vote. Though they are faced with challenges from those associated…

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Creating Purple Places: 1on1 with Aaron Wolf (RESTORING TOMORROW)

Directed by Aaron Wolf, Restoring Tomorrow?tells a universal story of hope as a beloved local temple in decay is revitalized through a community’s commitment to recover their history. Wolf follows the journey of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, a Los Angeles treasure built by the original Hollywood moguls, that needs to raise millions in order to?restore?its…

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