Being all things to all people is an impossibility for anyone. Directed by Chloe Robichaud, Days of Happiness tells...
Film Festivals
Living a humble life, Hirayama seems to have mastered his daily routine. He knows exactly how to...
It’s nice when I can put groups together when writing about shorts, but today I’m bringing a...
Runs in the Family tells the story of River (Gabe Gabriel, who also wrote the script), a young...
Directed by Sharon ‘Rocky’ Roggio, 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture is an essential documentary that delves deeply into...
Animation makes up an important part of the world of short films. That is true at HollyShorts...
Today I’m going to take a look at a few of the comedies playing at HollyShorts Film...
HollyShorts Film Festival is taking place in Hollywood. This festival is all about shorts and the jury...
HollyShorts Film Festival is taking place in Hollywood. This festival is all about shorts and the jury...
Satan Wants You delves deeply into the fallout of Michelle Remembers, the memoir of Michelle Smith as written by...