Someone once said that ?not all scars can be seen?. But, if true, that also means that...
When You Finish Saving the World is one of the most transparent semi-autobiographical films ever made yet...
In?Shrinking, life?s problems can feel enormous? but still small enough to laugh through. Created by television veteran...
Damien Chazelle charmed the world with La La Land love letter to Hollywood but his new film,...
Directed by Brandon Cronenberg, Infinity Pool tells the story of James (Alexander Skarsgard) and his wife, Em (Cleopatra Coleman),...
80 for Brady looks like it’s gonna be a winner and we’re giving away passes to see...
Shorts are always an important part of any film festival. That is really true for Slamdance, which...
Here are more films that are playing at Slamdance Film Festival. You can see these and others...
Directed by Darren Aronofsky, THE WHALE tells the story of Charlie (Brendan Fraser), an obese recluse who...
Everyone on earth may be living? but are they truly alive? Directed by Oliver Hermanus, Living tells the story...