Set in 1987, Before I Change My Mind follows Robin (Vaughan Murrae), a youth who moves to Alberta with...
Directed by Louise Archambault, Irena’s Vow tells the amazing true story of Irena Gut Opdyke (Sophie Nelisse),...
Alex Garland is fighting a new battle. In the past, Garland has tackled such topics as the...
John Krasinski is Jack Ryan. Not literally, of course. (Although I guess I don’t know what he does in...
Can a song save your life? The Greatest Hits hopes so. In The Greatest Hits, Harriet (Lucy Boynton) is still...
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. But which America? That’s the key...
In many ways, it feels unfair (and even, sexist) to compare Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss’ Girls State to...
Reviving the classic franchise, The First Omen takes the viewer back to the beginning and introduces us to Margaret...
By Robert Bellissimo Writer/Director Liliana Cavani based The Night Porter on real events. She had been making...
In Someone Like You, rural architect Dawson Gage (Jake Allyn) has always been in love with London Quinn...