When the Sandford family takes a weekend to escape their busy urban life in Brooklyn, they leave...
Ethan Hawke
Set in a suburban town in Colorado back in 1978, The Black Phone begins as five children...
Once again, Marvel has proven that they aren?t the most successful franchise in history by accident. With...
In Zeros and Ones, a movie about a terrorist plot that the audience never quite catches up...
Set in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans,?Cut Throat City?follows the young artist, Blink (Shameik Moore)....
As one of the more iconic voices in scientific history, the impact of the work of Nikola...
The second day of AFI Fest Presented by Audi, was another day filled with interesting and powerful...
Directed by Jesse Peretz (Our Idiot Brother, Girls), Juliet, Naked?tells the story of Annie (Rose Byrne), a...
Pastor Toller?s spiritual anguish, I think, is an exaggeration of a malaise that afflicts much of the...
First Reformed?tells the story of Toller (Ethan Hawke), a former military veteran and pastor of the First...