Directed by Joe Stephenson, Midas Man tells the story of Brian Epstein (Jacob Fortune-Lloyd), a determined young man who...
Film Festivals
Directed by Regan Latimer, Bulletproof: The Lesbian’s Guide to Surviving the Plot explores the nature of Queer representation in...
Directed by Colette Johnson-Vosberg, Unusually Normal steps into the lives of ‘Canada’s gayest family’. Consisting of three generations of...
Written, starring and directed by Harrison Xu and Ivan Leung, Extremely Unique Dynamic tells the story of two best...
A lot more happened in 2021 than you likely know. How could you? It’s a big world....
Directed by Katerina Suvorova, Streets Loud with Echoes begins with the death of Denis Ten, the first ever Kazakhstani...
Directed by Hamoody Jaafar, Rouge steps behind the walls of River Rouge high school and into the world of...
Directed by Tova Krentzman, Fire Tower brings the viewer 100 feet above the boreal forest into American lookout towers....
Directed by Aeyliya Husain and Amie Williams, An Unfinished Journey follows four Afghan women of position and influence – Nilofar...
Directed by Alfredo Pourailly de la Plaza, The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine follows Toto, an aging father who spends his...