When the Sandford family takes a weekend to escape their busy urban life in Brooklyn, they leave...
It’s in the moments of adversity where one discovers what drives a person. Set in the summer...
Racial issues aren’t funny. But the way that we engage it as a culture can be laughable....
Beyoncé has been releasing music literally for as long as I’ve been alive. Some of my earliest...
To this day, our mythology matters. Whether it’s stories that tap into religious beliefs or mythological beasts,...
This giveaway is so fetch! Thanks to our friends at Paramount Pictures & The TARO Group, we’re...
“There is nothing fake about this.” – Zac Efron, The Iron Claw In The Iron Claw, these words are...
Thanks to our friends at Elevation Pictures & The TARO Group, we’re giving away 5 double passes...
The Exorcist horror franchise sets out on a daring mission to revive its legendary history in The...
Even after over 30 years, it turns out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are still alive and kicking. Directed...