Why can’t we all just get along? Somewhat unexpectedly, this question has been at the core of...
The Exorcist horror franchise sets out on a daring mission to revive its legendary history in The...
Struggling to pay the bills, Mike (Josh Hutcherson) takes a position as a nighttime security guard at...
BOO! It’s the Halloween season and that brings us HALLOWEEN ENDS, the climactic (?) film of a...
By Catherine Erskine If you are a fan of the?Halloween?franchise, you have been literally waiting your whole...
Some franchises are always popular and some grow over time. Such is the case with the Sanderson...
Welcome to horror season! Smile is a terrifying tale and we’re giving away passes to see it...
For over 40 years, Michael Myers has been an iconic figure in the horror genre. Now, with...
What’s the deal with John MacArthur and his conflict with Beth Moore? Is there really “no case...
Since my oldest daughter enjoys The Nightmare Before Christmas immensely, I thought it would be a nice...