In his latest film, THE POST, Steven Spielberg and his all-star cast aren’t satisfied with merely retelling...
Steven Spielberg
Directed by Steven Spielberg, The Post tells the story of Katherine Graham (Meryl Streep), the first female...
Set in the later years of the Vietnam War, Katherine Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, and...
It?s hard to think of a time when a film that highlights the First Amendment is not...
I?ll just come out and say it: I?ve never seen the Indiana Jones series. I don?t have...
For those who enjoy film, the names John Ford, Frank Capra, George Stevens, William Wyler, and John...
I’ve read?The BFG?to my children twice, and of all of the Roald Dahl stories, it’s my favorite....
I find it interesting that the same year Steven Spielberg brought us E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, children?s book...
The highest-grossing film of 2015 – the third highest-grossing film of all time – is available on...
I mentioned on Facebook a few days ago that The Goonies, one of my favorite films of...