Directed by Todd Haynes, May December tells the story of Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman), an actress tasked with researching...
Natalie Portman
Set after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Love and Thunder sees the once-mighty titular hero (Chris...
When times are tough, what stories do you turn to? Our new series, Comfort Films, is designed...
Produced by Roy Conli (Born in China) and directed by Keith Scholey and Allistair Feathergill (Bears), the documentary...
When you stop to think about it, it really is remarkable how far nature documentary filmmaking has...
Lucy in the Sky tells the story of Lucy Cola, an astronaut who returns home to Earth after...
Lucy in the Sky tells the story of Lucy Cola, an astronaut who returns home to Earth after...
Vox Lux is a story of the loss of innocence. It is also a reflection on the...
With ANNIHILATION, director Alex Garland has created a film which both dazzles its audience while dividing them...
Focusing on the week?following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, JACKIE follows?on the life?of former First Lady...