In the most unique comedy of the year, Greener Grass takes the viewer into the heart of a demented...
Set in the rolling hills of the English countryside, Guy Davies? Philophobia is a picture of small-town adolescence. With...
MONOS tracks a young group of soldiers living in a remote military outpost in the jungle, who have...
Written and directed by Rian Johnson (Looper), Knives Out follows the clues behind the death of Harlan Thrombey...
In Joker, failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) works as a clown to pay the bills and...
Written and directed by Edward Norton, Motherless Brooklyn tells the story of Lionel Essrog (Norton), a Brooklyn detective in...
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood introduces the iconic figure through the eyes of Lloyd Vogel, an investigative...
Marriage Story examines the fallout of Charlie (Adam Driver) and Nicole?s (Scarlett Johansson) failed marriage as they begin...
Based on true events, Just Mercy tells the story of Walter ?Johnny D? McMillian (Jamie Foxx), a...
Written and directed by Atom Egoyan,?Guest of Honour is an ambitious, thought-provoking and, at times, muddled exploration...