Long ago, in our galaxy here on Earth, George Lucas created a world that has spawned other...
Based on a true story, The Dark Horse, follows Genesis (Gen) Potini, a one-time chess champion who...
Will science and technology be our salvation? Of course, the obvious response is: has it yet? For...
He [Hank Williams] was taught the blues and he made it his own, then people who came...
I’m not a huge fan of remakes. I know I was in the minority, but we didn’t...
To say that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?was one of the most anticipated films of the...
Hank Williams has been inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Songwriting Hall of Fame,...
It?s not so much a story of looking for work as it is a story that seeks...
This week on the show, ScreenFish writer, Darrel Manson and Steve Norton talk about the racial barriers...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?has been hyped as the battle between the alien, godlike Superman and...