Set at the turn of the 20th Century, Killers of the Flower Moon tells the story of Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo...
Martin Scorsese
Written and directed by Trey Edward Shults, Waves is a stunning journey into the heart of a family in...
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Netflix?s last Oscar-contender, The Irishman sees the return of some of cinema?s greatest...
Months after seeing?Silence?for the first time, I still find myself in engaging conversations about what it means...
This week, Steve welcomes Peter ‘the Bearded Movie Guy’ Percival and Patrick ‘with the good beard’ Erskine...
The latest hit from HBO isn’t an ensemble power play. Yes, it’s an ensemble show, but the...
French New Wave director Fran?ois Truffaut wrote the book on Alfred Hitchcock?literally. In 1962 he did a...