In his directorial debut, Dev Patel stars as Kid, a man making a living losing fights in...
Each year there are Oscars? awarded in three categories of short films: Live Action Shorts, Animated Shorts,...
Shaunak Sen?s All That Breathes, winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance for World Cinema Documentary...
Journalism has the power to give voice to those who are unseen in society. In Writing with...
Every country (except the U.S.) can submit one film for Oscar consideration for Best International Feature Film....
?Your destiny is set.? Draupadi Unleashed, written and directed by Tony Stopperan, based on a book by...
Kashmir has been the site of conflict between India and Pakistan since the partition in 1948. Although...
?Turning poop culture into pop culture is the fastest way to solve the sanitation crisis? (Jack Sim)...
In this 1on1, Julie Levac comes to you live from the red carpet of the Toronto premiere...
What is a worthy sacrifice to make for one?s gods? Does that sound like a basis for...