Furie?follows the story of Hai Phoung (Veronica Ngo), a young mother with a past in the criminal...
Having broken box-office records overseas,?T-34?transports the viewer into the heard of Russia during the Second World War....
With the release of Tim Story’s Shaft from Kenya Barris’ (Blackish) script, fans of the legendary crimefighter...
Throughout the years, there have been many examples of the ?teacher making a difference? genre. Ranging from...
Directed by Jesse V. Johnson (The Debt Collector),?Triple Threatdelivers the high-octane stunt work that one would expect...
What began as an unlikely friendship between an adolescent Viking and a fearsome Night Fury dragon has...
Finally, a?Transformers?film that I wanted to rewatch for myself, and to show to my sons. With?Bumblebee, out...
The sad reality is that every new Clint Eastwood film could be his last. After more than...
?Every black person born in America was born on Beale Street, born in the black neighborhood of...
How do you build on a classic? That was the charge given to screenwriter David Magee (Finding...