In Pixar’s latest hit animated feature, Arlo the young Apatosaurus finds himself forced out into the wild...
Twenty years after his mother was murdered by terrorists, Harry Turner (Kellan Lutz) must go on a...
Over a decade ago, on the way to a youth retreat, one of my senior high students...
Forget Sly, Arnold, Clint, Mel, Dolph or even Chuck. Everyone knows the toughest action star of the...
Dalton Trumbo (Bryan Cranston) wrote excellent scripts but his membership in the Communist Party made him anathema...
Back when I was in high school and college, Kahlil Gibran?s book The Prophet was very popular....
I begrudgingly watched?another?Steve Jobs film. Seriously, was there more information to be covered, some new angle to...
When Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield) defaults on his mortgage payments, real estate mogul Rick Carver (Michael Shannon)...
Johnny Depp was the face of evil in 2015. There, I said it. Thanks to the 2001...
I?m sure that many people head to the kitchen for dessert when the Oscar is awarded for...